Preview of the First Animated Story

Click above and take 2 minutes to see for yourself what the stories are like!

What Will Your Child Have Access To?

No ads. No other content. Just stories and songs for your kids to watch and listen to over and over!

  • Animated Story Lessons

    Engaging animated videos tell stories that introduce basic musical concepts while also teaching truths about God. Stories include characters such as Lolly & Lula the Lorikeets, Peggy Piano, Lady Joy, and many more as they talk together with the young animals of Rainbowville about music and about God too! While these stories coincide with the Joyfulnotes Piano Books for Beginners, your child does not need to be using the books in order to understand and appreciate the stories.

  • Animated Sing-Along Songs

    Several songs will be included for your child to learn to sing along with as they watch. The words will be on the screen with help for them to follow along if they can read!


  • What is the target age for these songs and stories?

    My target is to reach preschool through elementary aged kids. I would love to see preschool kids learn to sing the songs and get to know the characters before starting into the full course. Many older kids will still enjoy the stories, especially as the higher levels are added.

  • Who can use this streaming service once I pay for it?

    The streaming resources are to be used only for immediate family members or within your household. If you have family/friends visiting, feel free to allow them to watch with your kids. However, please do not share passwords for people to log in who haven't paid. This service is made available at a very affordable price so many families can enjoy it -- please don't ruin that. If you simply cannot afford it, please contact me and we may occasionally be able to sponsor children to have access for a specific length of time.

  • How long are the stories?

    Most of the stories are 4-6 minutes long, short enough to keep attention span but long enough to have an interesting story.

New Pricing for Fall 2024* - Missionaries/Church Planters get extra 20% off regular AND sale prices!

Get in on the ground level and help support us as we build this company and ministry! In return for your support, you will lock in your pricing for future levels as long as you stay an active member!!

Books Only





Plan Features

(Books are additional cost unless otherwise noted)

Books - digital or physical  copies

Stories/Songs - Standalone or use to supplement books while teaching yourself

Books + 

Self-Paced Course

Books + Synchronized Course +


Books + Synchronized Course + Community + Monthly Group Coaching

Stories & Songs

Online Course (animated stories and teaching videos) 

(self-paced - 1 lesson released per week)

(synchronized - weekly

Sept. 23, 2024 - May 30, 2025)

(synchronized - weekly

Sept. 23, 2024 - May 30, 2025)


Monthly Group Coaching Calls (Zoom)

(time/date announced each month)

Class Size




Exclusive to 

10 students

Family Access

All immediate family members

All immediate family members

Up to 3 students per family per level

Up to 3 students per family per level in community plus extra coaching fee per student

Pricing/Missionary Pricing** - CND $

(Books are additional cost unless otherwise noted)





(for 10 months)






(includes ebooks - 1 set per family)


(includes 1 set physical books per family + free shipping USA/Canada)

Lifetime Access to Level 1***

$15/book ($50/set of 4)

$10/eBook ($35/set of 4)



$1250/$1000 + $100/additional year for community 

(includes ebooks - 1 set per family)

$1450/$1160 + $200/additional year for community & coaching 

(includes 1 set physical books per family + free shipping USA/Canada)


Sept. 6-20, 2024***

Pricing/Missionary Pricing** - CND $

(Books are additional cost unless otherwise noted)





(for 10 months)






(includes ebooks)


(includes 1 set physical books per family + free shipping USA/Canada)

Lifetime Access to Level 1***



$625/$500 + $100/additional year for community 

(includes ebooks)

$725/$580+ $200/additional year for community & coaching 

(includes 1 set physical books per family + free shipping USA/Canada)


60% OFF Subscription Plans and Sale on Books too!

Date of Webinar: Sept. 17, 2024

*Prices/offers as of September 5, 2024 and are subject to change at any time

**If you haven't already received a coupon code from your mission board, contact me with a copy of a recent prayer letter/prayer card from the last 6 months and request a coupon for the missionary/church planter pricing :-)

***Lifetime access gives you access to the Level 1 Course as long as Joyfulnotes has the course live on the Thinkific platform. This does not include future levels. We reserve the right to take courses down or end our Thinkific platform use at any time.

****Prices/offers for Back to School Sale valid until 11:59pm. PST on September 20, 2024

*****Prices/offers for First Webinar Sale valid from release of coupon during live webinar event (begins at 7:00pm EST on September 17, 2024) until end of webinar event or host's discretion

Sign up NOW!!

Supplement Plan - Musical Stories & Songs - currently only $5 (CND) per month!