Your student will learn how to find the groups of 2 and 3 black keys on the piano.

Your student will learn how to name each note on the piano.

Your student will be able to find all of the notes of each letter name on the piano.

Help Your Child Take the Next Step

This next level eBook helps your child start to become more familiar with the piano keyboard. It is structured to review some songs from Level 1A while also learning new songs. This allows new content not to be overwhelming because they learn the new concepts while reviewing songs they already know. It also helps them to really learn songs, not just play them for one week and forget how to play them. Your student will finish the book confident in his or her ability to play the songs and understand the piano keyboard. This sets them up for success in future levels because they are building the foundational skills they need for future learning. What content is covered? How is it structured? What can your customers expect to find in your resource? What skills or knowledge will they leave with? How will it help them succeed?

Lady Joy sitting at piano

Lady Joy (Angela Joy)

Hi! I'm Angela, otherwise known to kids as "Lady Joy", and I wrote this book so that your child can be excited about playing the piano! Drawing on years of experience, the original colour-coded concept came from teaching a neurodivergent student and then developed into a whole set of books and an online course too. As someone who deals with chronic illness, I know firsthand that life has many challenges. However, I think teaching piano should be made as simple and encouraging as possible for kids so they believe they can master this skill for themselves!

Download your eBook today!

If your child has already completed Level 1A, you know that these books are planned in a way to help your child succeed in learning to play the piano. Let them take the next step now and learn more about the piano keyboard itself while also adding new songs!