In this book your child will learn how to play with a steady beat, how to hold their hands at the piano and to name their finger numbers -- all essential skills for a solid foundation in playing the piano

Your student will also learn about the musical concepts of high and low sounds as well as playing loud and soft

By the end of this book, your child will be able to distinguish between long and short sounds as well as fast and slow speeds

Gives Your Child the Confidence to Succeed in Learning

The 8 lessons in this book are structured to help your child be able to start playing familiar songs right from the first time they sit down at the piano. Being able to play right away boosts their confidence and gives them the motivation to stick with it while learning the foundation skills needed to play the piano!

Lady Joy

Lady Joy (Angela Joy)

Hi! I'm Angela, otherwise known to kids as "Lady Joy", and I wrote this book so that your child can be excited about playing the piano! Drawing on years of experience, the original colour-coded concept came from teaching a neurodivergent student and then developed into a whole set of books and an online course too. As someone who deals with chronic illness, I know firsthand that life has many challenges. However, I think teaching piano should be made as simple and encouraging as possible for kids so they believe they can master this skill for themselves!

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What else can you pay $10 for that will give your kids so many hours of enjoyment while increasing their confidence and skills?